About Us


Intention Films and Media LLC. is an independent film company based in Nassau County, New York, which specializes in quality short and feature-length films and videos.  Co-owner Debra Markowitz is an award winning writer and director who can also assist with casting. As a novelist, she has authored the Karmic Wind trilogy of novels (Naked in the Rain, Sarah and Caleb and Karmic Wind) and has also ghostwritten numerous books for others. Co-owner, John Marean, is a Director of Photography, Sound Recordist, Writer, Certified Covid-19 Compliance Officer, Assistant Director, gaffer and grip.

If you are an actor who needs footage for your reel, we can write an appropriate piece for you, or give you sides from our library of works already written. We also, time permitting, can film your self-tape submissions or your reel footage.

If you’re a producer looking for a project, we have the projects! If you’re looking for a script to option or produce, we have that too. Please note that we do not raise money and will only work on projects that are fully funded.

We’re big fans of collaboration; whether on our sets or on the sets of others. Be it as individual crew, casting directors or full-on producers, there’s nothing we value more than creating fun and/or important works with great people. Some companies we’ve collaborated with include The Majors Productions, MovieMan Productions, ESP Films, Aspire Film Productions, Immunity Productions and MHz Media Group, among other companies.

What’s important to us is that every set be run with respect, honesty, integrity and professionalism. When we work on a film, we’re family.

We have a busy slate, but let us know about your project and if Intention Films and Media is a good fit for you (and you for us!), let’s talk!

Please also be sure to Like us on Facebook  (facebook.com/intentionfilmsandmedia)  follow me on Twitter (@debramarkowitz) and Instagram (@debramarkowitzfilm) for even more up-to-date information!

Many thanks!
– Debbie

Cast and Crew of Couple of Guys